If I’m being honest, which I always am, it was hard to concentrate on anything happening in the first few minutes of this sixth season opening episode of “
Arrow” because I was too busy taking attendance. After the way the island of
Lian Yu, which I nicknamed Flashback Island after its use for that titular plot device, blew up with the entire cast, sans Oliver, on it, what else could I do? I hated that cliffhanger when it aired, and hate it just as much now.
Again, I was happy as I counted them off - Green Arrow, Spartan, Wild Dog (in a slick red and black outfit, counter to last season’s look and his costume in the comics), Mr. Terrific, and Overwatch - all taking down a criminal terrorist named Alex Faust (any relation to Felix? With John Constantine in the Arrowverse, so is sorcerer Felix Faust). It was a little disappointing that Felicity was only there as tentative romantic interest for Oliver, and to hand out
Big Belly Burger to the men.
We are shown the caption tag
‘five months later,’ which in itself in interesting. Over on “
The Flash,” Central City has been ill-protected since
Barry Allen entered the Speed Force, and we’re uncertain what the status quo is in Star City only a few minutes into the episode. It would seem to me that the gaps between seasons on both shows might actually be more interesting than the pick-up almost a year later.
Nevertheless time has moved on. Oliver is struggling to raise his son William without a mother, indicating that she probably did not survive Lian Yu; Oliver and Felicity seem to still have a tenuous relationship, and she may or not still be a part of Team Arrow; and Rene is apparently rocking a suit and writing speeches for Oliver. We also meet a new(?) character, Raisa, who helped raise Oliver and is now doing the same for William.
If you listen close to Team Arrow’s conversation after they nab Faust, you’ll know that Dinah also survived, we finally see her a couple scenes later interrogating the psycho villain. We also find that Quentin is still with us (did
anyone die in the island?) playing mind games with his own perceived guilt and alcoholism. When Dinah goes to help him through it, Faust helps break himself out with another Lian Yu survivor, and his boss, the
Black Siren. She and her goons blow the hell out of the police station, all before we see the opening title card.
When Team Archer regroups, the reveal of Black Siren is a surprise as they all thought she died on Lian Yu. Quentin seems to think she went to the police station looking for him. We get a great little street fight between Team Arrow and the bad guys, with Canary against Siren. Wild Dog is injured when Spartan hesitates. And the whole fight has weird aerial cinematography as if shot from one of the T-Spheres. I did
not like it.
Oliver was missing for five years, and with “Arrow” having run five seasons, the flashbacks have come full circle. So now it seems the flashbacks will work on the five months since the cliffhanger, letting us know what happened in that time frame. It’s not a matter of who didn’t make it, but
how they did or didn’t. Every moment of this episode shows us someone else alive, either seeing them or mentioning them. Add Deathstroke and Nyssa to that list. Would Talia, Captain Boomerang, Merlyn, Speedy, and William’s mother be the only ones who didn’t make it? Or not. We’ll see.
The soap opera kicks in heavy with Quentin’s guilt coming from him trying to kill Black Siren on the island. And William knows his dad is the Green Arrow, and blames him for his mom’s death. Just like he was boyfriend of the year, it looks like he’ll be father of the year too. Throw in John’s problem as a subplot too, and that’s at least enough to start the season. At least William and Oliver get a little closer at the end, but the latest cliffhanger should undo that...

In the meantime, it turns out the Black Siren’s real target is the Bunker, or as I like to call it, the Arrowcave. The question is, was she trying to blow the place up, or something else maybe? Was she trying to steal something? In multiple epilogues we find Thea in a coma; Deathstroke and Wild Dog both benefiting from Oliver helping them be better fathers; and John not using his gun because of seemingly PTS from shrapnel received on the island. And then there’s the TV news stinger revealing that Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow...
This episode was good, but affected negatively by the last season end, its piecemeal vibe, and almost immediate dive into soap opera and subplot. It’s just too soon.
For my other reviews of the entire "Arrow" series, click
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Next: “Tribute!”