Back during the time of late high school and college when I wasn’t actively reading comics any more (I know, shocking), a lot of things happened. One of them was the first appearance of Onyx, a naive vigilante who Green Arrow crossed paths with in Star City. Sheltered in a monastery she learned martial arts, and in a move that would make Batman proud, Onyx went out into the world to do good, her parents having been murdered years before.
Later she was completely revamped as a Batman associate in the War Games story arc. Now she was trained by the League of Assassins, and no longer naive. Personally I liked the original teenaged Onyx with the cape better, but it’s the later version who has been brought to the small screen on “,a href="">Arrow.”
Continuing from this season’s first episode, Team Arrow is in pursuit of Alex Faust, with John Diggle taking over as the Green Arrow. He took on the mantle at the end of the last episode, in spite of the degenerative cell damage he suffered on Lian Yu. So far only Black Canary also knows, but neither has told Oliver. Seems like Oliver has definitely rubbed off on the team.
This pursuit has John pulling the insane stunt of jumping off a building and letting Black Canary’s scream propel him across to another building. It sounds nuts and comic booky, but the way it was executed I totally believed it. Bravo. Also notable the opening gauntlet of symbols lacked one for Spartan, giving more commitment to the idea that John is now the Green Arrow. Nice touch.
When Oliver shows up for work the next day Samanda is waiting for him. She’s not stupid, and despite Oliver’s airtight alibi, she knows someone else was playing Green Arrow, someone who’s not an archer. Samanda also brings up how the cops might feel slighted (at best) with the mayor leaning on a vigilante. It’s a thought I had as a little kid watching the original “Batman” TV show - why do the Gotham police even bother showing up to work? They’re either bored or disillusioned, right?
Meanwhile the slick Onyx, here a crooked ex-CIA operative named Onyx Adams, breaks into Kord Industries (will we ever see Blue Beetle?) and downloads some serious intel, including a deadly nerve gas (Kord makes nerve gas???). When Team Arrow protects the gas shipment, Onyx takes them out pretty easily. I did like Rene’s “Surprise, bitch.” though. We need more Rene in the show as he gets the best lines. Why not put him in the Green Arrow suit? Or Dinah or Felicity, they seem to be leading as well.
Rene asks Oliver to come back, but he gives John a pep talk instead. So, the team is splintered when it next goes into action against Onyx and her team - who having seen John in action are unimpressed and don’t see him or his team a threat. Not good. Things do turn around however, and the fight sequences of the last act are quite impressive, and a vast improvement over the first episode this season. And John proves himself.
Unfortunately, as the end stinger reveals, John is using performance enhancing drugs to stabilize his tremors. Well, that’s not going to come back to bite anyone in the ass. There’s more soap with William as Oliver finally allows Felicity into his life. There was a lot to like about this episode, but all things considered, I’d rather have Oliver as Green Arrow. This is like one of those tired cliche comic arcs where the hero is replaced. I’m just waiting for the real Green Arrow.
Something I talked about last time, but have since given further thought to is the existence of Batman in the Arrowverse. After a brief exchange with friend Tim Murr on Twitter I’ve reconsidered my position. There may well be a Batman in the Arrowverse. And while I’m thinking of it, check out Tim’s work at Biff Bam Pop! right here. He’s only been with us a couple of months, coming over from the late Popshifter, but he’s written some great stuff. And a book too. Check him out.
So maybe Batman does exist. After all, we’ve seen Harley Quinn, right? Felicity wouldn’t take the name Oracle (she does it again subtly in this very episode) when suggested because it was already in use. And then there’s Rip Hunter from “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” who remarked from a dark future that he’d seen dark knights and men of steel fall. That’s pretty conclusive. And there’s no reason why Green Arrow couldn’t have fought all those Bat-villains before Batman did, right?
For my other reviews of the entire "Arrow" series, click here. And if you'd like to discuss this episode, anything else in the Arrowverse, or anything in the Marvel or DC television or cinematic universes, please join the Marvel DC Movies TV group on Facebook.
Next: The Black Siren returns in “Reversal!”

Continuing from this season’s first episode, Team Arrow is in pursuit of Alex Faust, with John Diggle taking over as the Green Arrow. He took on the mantle at the end of the last episode, in spite of the degenerative cell damage he suffered on Lian Yu. So far only Black Canary also knows, but neither has told Oliver. Seems like Oliver has definitely rubbed off on the team.
This pursuit has John pulling the insane stunt of jumping off a building and letting Black Canary’s scream propel him across to another building. It sounds nuts and comic booky, but the way it was executed I totally believed it. Bravo. Also notable the opening gauntlet of symbols lacked one for Spartan, giving more commitment to the idea that John is now the Green Arrow. Nice touch.
When Oliver shows up for work the next day Samanda is waiting for him. She’s not stupid, and despite Oliver’s airtight alibi, she knows someone else was playing Green Arrow, someone who’s not an archer. Samanda also brings up how the cops might feel slighted (at best) with the mayor leaning on a vigilante. It’s a thought I had as a little kid watching the original “Batman” TV show - why do the Gotham police even bother showing up to work? They’re either bored or disillusioned, right?
Meanwhile the slick Onyx, here a crooked ex-CIA operative named Onyx Adams, breaks into Kord Industries (will we ever see Blue Beetle?) and downloads some serious intel, including a deadly nerve gas (Kord makes nerve gas???). When Team Arrow protects the gas shipment, Onyx takes them out pretty easily. I did like Rene’s “Surprise, bitch.” though. We need more Rene in the show as he gets the best lines. Why not put him in the Green Arrow suit? Or Dinah or Felicity, they seem to be leading as well.
Rene asks Oliver to come back, but he gives John a pep talk instead. So, the team is splintered when it next goes into action against Onyx and her team - who having seen John in action are unimpressed and don’t see him or his team a threat. Not good. Things do turn around however, and the fight sequences of the last act are quite impressive, and a vast improvement over the first episode this season. And John proves himself.
Unfortunately, as the end stinger reveals, John is using performance enhancing drugs to stabilize his tremors. Well, that’s not going to come back to bite anyone in the ass. There’s more soap with William as Oliver finally allows Felicity into his life. There was a lot to like about this episode, but all things considered, I’d rather have Oliver as Green Arrow. This is like one of those tired cliche comic arcs where the hero is replaced. I’m just waiting for the real Green Arrow.
So maybe Batman does exist. After all, we’ve seen Harley Quinn, right? Felicity wouldn’t take the name Oracle (she does it again subtly in this very episode) when suggested because it was already in use. And then there’s Rip Hunter from “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” who remarked from a dark future that he’d seen dark knights and men of steel fall. That’s pretty conclusive. And there’s no reason why Green Arrow couldn’t have fought all those Bat-villains before Batman did, right?
For my other reviews of the entire "Arrow" series, click here. And if you'd like to discuss this episode, anything else in the Arrowverse, or anything in the Marvel or DC television or cinematic universes, please join the Marvel DC Movies TV group on Facebook.
Next: The Black Siren returns in “Reversal!”
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