Before I start my review of this episode, I want to backtrack to something I missed initially in last week's "Damaged." The attorney prosecuting Oliver in that episode was none other than Kate Spencer. In the DC Comics source material, crusading attorney Spencer is the secret identity of the crime fighting superheroine Manhunter. Perhaps that's a hint to an upcoming encounter.

I'm impressed that Diggle is able to turn Oliver's head in this way. He can't just fight the cause of his city's sickness, he has to fight the symptoms as well - and this week, the symptoms are the Royal Flush Gang. I did not however dig Diggle's Alfred impersonation when he saved Oliver from brunch to stop a bank robbery. Speaking of Batman, I loved seeing Oliver stealthily break into police headquarters, kinda part Batman, part Dexter.
We get more trick arrows this time around as well as more Felicity Smoak. Tommy Merlyn has a bigger part, trying to get back into Laurel's pants. I'm not sure which is creepier - Tommy and Laurel or Tommy and Thea. Maybe the latter is what pushes him and Oliver apart? Get to it already, when is he finally putting on the black leather and crossing bows with our hero?
Tidbits from the quiver: Yao Fei is finally named in the show, Keystone City, Coast City, a pseudo Legion ring, and Stagg Industries are among the comics name drops this time around. I see that Philadelphia's Comcast building has been added to Starling City's skyline. And there's also the fact that Laurel's law firm is abbreviated CNRI - yeah, that's right, Canary.
which brand of hockey mask do they use? it`s perfect for low budget cosplaying!
ReplyDeleteThey're all they could afford after what they pay Amell's personal trainer.