
Monday, March 24, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

Be Kind Rewind ~ After playing in the big leagues for a few films each, Jack Black and Mos Def return to their quirky independent roots, in spirit at least. While it is difficult to discern at first whether our two protagonists are just ridiculously stupid or possibly special needs, I learned to love them slowly as the film goes on. When Black gets magnetized in a bad special effects scene, he accidentally erases all the tapes in Def’s video store. So, the boys set out to re-film all the movies, and therein lies the charm of this flick. Watching these two, along with the beautiful Melonie Diaz, do their versions of Ghostbusters, 2001 and Rush Hour 2 among others, is the best part of this movie. And as an added bonus, if you click here you can see their remakes alone. Check it out. These bits more than make up for the Disney-esque ending/non-ending. Sigourney Weaver makes an appearance as one of the corporate baddies who try to shut the boys down. I may have to watch this film again because while she was onscreen I was completely distracted by what appears to be a face-lift lawsuit waiting to happen. Wow. Joan Rivers should be sighing in relief. And it’s good to see Danny Glover back on the screen. See this flick.

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