
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Jordan Dane Virtual Book Tour Continues

Don't forget, folks. The Jordan Dane Virtual Book Tour continues throughout the month of March to celebrate the release of NO ONE COULD HEAR HER SCREAM on the 25th.

The next stops are:

March 19 - Cricket Sawyer

March 22 - Diana Castilleja

March 26 - Renee' Barnes

Be sure to check out Jordan's 3-Ways to Win Contest at her website and be sure to visit each stop of the Jordan Dane Virtual Book Tour and leave a comment (with your name). Each stop enters you into the
drawing to be held at the live "Launch P-A-R-T-Y!" on March 30th at the Writer's Chatroom.

Jordan has had plenty to say on past tour stops. If you haven’t already done so, visit these previous stops for some first-hand info on how to succeed as a novelist:

Billie Williams at
Linda J. Hutchinson at
Kim Richards at
Lisa Haselton at

And don't forget to visit Jordan at her own website and MySpace, and please join her for her own live interview at The Writer's Chatroom on March 30th, 2008 at 7 PM EST.

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