
Monday, March 24, 2008

Run Fatboy Run

Run Fatboy Run ~ You know, if you put Simon Pegg and Dylan Moran where they take turns reading the phone book, I’ll pay to see it. That’s how much I like these guys, and what a big fan of both “Spaced,” “Black Books” and of course, Shaun of the Dead I am. Heck, Simon is so cool I’m hip to him playing Scotty in the new Star Trek flick even though he is so not right for the part. In this flick Simon Pegg is trying to win back the woman he left pregnant at the altar by running a marathon. In a great turn Hank Azaria plays his near perfect competition. The best work I’ve seen Hank do outside of “The Simpsons” since “Herman’s Head.” Now, Run Fatboy Run is pretty formulaic and predictable, but I have no problem with that. Even considering those difficulties Simon and Dylan still shine through and make me laugh. This is full of their unique style of Brit humor even when it descends into ABC Family territory. This rocks. Watch, laugh, enjoy.

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