
Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Jessica Jones S01 E10: AKA 1,000 Cuts

Another week passed before I picked up watching "Jessica Jones" again. I tired of the moronic plot twists and Jessica's increasingly idiotic plans, and longed for the early episodes that were so good. But I figured I got on this horse, I should finish circling the track at least once, and watch the entire series. There are only four episodes left after all, but then again, it all just fell apart in only three. Sigh. Onward.

As the episode opens, it's seconds after the end of "AKA Sin Bin," and Kilgrave is staggering out of the warehouse where his cell was. Whether by convenient or ridiculous coincidence, Jeri is driving by on her own escape from the madness, and he enthralls her. Offscreen, it should be remembered, they made a deal while he was in that cell. Things don't look good for Hogarth's soon-to-be ex-wife at this point...

Meanwhile inside, it's bedlam. Kilgrave's mother is dead, his father is dying if not dead, Trish is trying to put a bullet in her head, and Clemons has a broken wrist and a Jess-kick to the face. Jessica herself is a mess. Kilgrave got away again. On the plus side, she seems to have broken Kilgrave's control, Jessica is immune.

When it's brought up, Kilgrave's father, who's not quite dead, but still wants to cut his own heart out, intimates he might be able to concoct a cure for Kilgrave from Jessica's blood. Apparently his power isn't mutant, metahuman, or pheromonic - it's a virus. I'm stunned, and feel the same way I felt when I heard about midi-chlorians, or that Santa Claus wasn't real.

Jeri Hogarth brings Kilgrave home to her wife, not to eff with her as one would assume - at least not yet - but for her medical skills. He's been shot and needs help. I have to say it's a bit of brilliance to have the Purple Man act as negotiator between this couple snapping at each other, especially when they must do as he says. Simple phrases like 'tell the truth' and 'shut up' have new power in such conversations. And to cover his escape, once bandaged up, Kilgrave orders wife Wendy to cut Jeri a thousand times.

Back at the holding cell where Clemons is securing the scene, Will Simpson arrives. Not sure if he's now Nuke, still under the Purple Man's control, or just overdosed on two many red pills, but Simpson wants to know where Kilgrave and Trish are. Once he knows, he puts a bullet in Clemons' forehead. Something tells me Jessica has a new adversary.

Two moments, however brief, remind me of what the show once was. There's Malcolm helping Robyn put up 'missing' posters for her brother Ruben, it reflects his change. He wants to tell her, but he can't, so he helps her. Having something to do keeps her on track, even though he knows that Ruben is dead.

The other one is that Pam, now in custody for Wendy's murder, sees Jeri Hogarth for exactly what kind of person she is. She's figured out what Jeri did and what Kilgrave had to do with it - and now she wants nothing to do with Jeri. These two character bits stand out where the main plot, that of Jessica and Kilgrave, has become an implausible sitcom with lives at stake.

When Jessica goes home, yeah, she's apparently got nothing better to do than go home and chill, Kilgrave is there. We find out why he loves her and thinks he can get her, as well as the fact he's known for some time she's immune to his power - obviously part of the attraction. Now that she's free of fear, it almost seems to make this whole trip unnecessary. I'm tired of it.

While Jessica makes plans to trade Kilgrave's father for Hope's freedom, another threat is rising. Malcolm finally opens up to the support group about Ruben, but unfortunately Robyn is eavesdropping. She riles them up, rightfully bringing up that Kilgrave would not have messed with any of them if not for Jessica Jones. Great, now that Kilgrave is close to being neutered, Jessica will have both Nuke and mob rule to contend with.

From there the episode runs quickly like whirlpool to its depressing end. Between Hope's suicide and Jessica's vow to kill the Purple Man, it's no longer a question of is it time for the good guys to win yet, but why am I watching this. If this was not meant to be binge watched, and was a week to week broadcast series, this would be my last episode.

Next: I've Got the Blues

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