
Thursday, May 04, 2017

Arrow S05 E20: Underneath

As seen last time, the Arrowcave, or the bunker as they call it on the show, has been bombed by Prometheus, and Oliver and Felicity are trapped inside.  An EMP was in play, so not only does none of the high-tech gadgetry work, neither does the spinal implant that allows Felicity to walk. 

As Olicity is resurrected inside the bunker, Team Arrow gathers to try to rescue them.  We find out some interesting things about our team, like Curtis named his T-Spheres after the ferrets in Beastmaster - Kodo and Podo.  We also learn that Marc Singer's Beastmaster had a profound effect on the sexual awakenings of both Curtis and Dinah.  I don't know if this is geeky fun or TMI, but I dug it.

Besides serving as a characterization exploration episode for the team, we also get a previously unseen flashback to sometime early in the third season fighting the Werner Zytle version of Count Vertigo when Curtis first joined the team.  There are lots of details filled in, and questions answered here, as well as characters and relationships fleshed out. 

This was like a team re-building exercise really.  Trust is rebuilt and reaffirmed on several levels.  One thing that is abundantly clear from the episode is that the rest of Team Arrow need Cisco's phone number, especially if they're going to let him design their headquarters.  And as far as Olicity goes, might we see them together proper soon? We certainly had the hottest scenes in quite some time between the two. 

The killer stinger has Chase meeting Oliver's William at the school bus.  Something tells me the worst is yet to come...

Next: "Honor Thy Fathers!"

For my other reviews of the entire "Arrow" series, click here. And if you'd like to discuss this episode, anything else in the Arrowverse, or anything in the Marvel or DC television or cinematic universes, please join the Marvel DC Movies TV group on Facebook.

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