
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Long Harbor Testament by Tom Minder

The Long Harbor Testament by Tom Minder ~ I like the easy way out. It is hard to write a fair review for a friend's book. On the one hand, you have loyalty to your friend and a desire for him to be successful in his endeavor, especially when you're in the same field. On the other hand, you want to be honest about the work and not mislead your readers. This decision is always easy when the book in question is actually good, and not just good, pretty darn good, especially for a first novel.

The Long Harbor Testament was a delight to read, not just a compelling read, but a fun read. I breezed through quickly and recommend it just as quickly. Suspenseful, thrilling, clever, and fun, this is a winner full of crime, religion, and junk food. Tom has given me an easy way out, by writing a terrific book, and I hope you find that out for yourself.

The Long Harbor Testament can be purchased at Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, or direct from Black Rose Writing. Don't forget to check out Tom's website, his Facebook page, his Twitter, and you can also read an interview Dawn Byrne of the South Jersey Writers' Group conducted with Tom here, all good stuff.

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