
Monday, September 30, 2013

All Bad Things Must Come to an End…

I suppose I would be remiss if I didn't write at least something about the end of "Breaking Bad" last night. I had tried to watch the opening episode when it first aired, and just couldn't get into it. A man running around the desert in his tighty whities? Come on. A couple years later, at the urging of friends and other folks online whose opinions I respect, I tried again. Once I got through that first episode, I was hooked, and from there I stripped the rest of the series, watching the final two seasons as they aired.

The show ended last night, and mighty props go to creator Vince Gilligan and his staff of writers for molding an ending that was precise and complete in tying up loose ends and completing the story begun five seasons ago. Justice is served in an anti-hero kinda way, good and evil balanced, and in a way, the good guys win and the bad guys pay. Brilliance.

Comparatively, it doesn't let the viewers decide as "The Sopranos" did, and it didn't do what "Dexter" did much to the sour reprisal of fans. It's ironic that when "Dexter" ended last week, it was almost at the same point as "Breaking Bad" was last week. Maybe "Dexter" just needed one more episode? In my opinion however, if that last scene with Dexter alive had been cut, that ending would have pleased me. Dexter alive ruins the symmetry. And getting back on subject, symmetry is what "Breaking Bad" was all about.

I was really pleased with the ending. If you want to hear more about the show, my friend and podcast partner Ray Cornwall did a pre-finale episode about "Breaking Bad" last week. You can hear it here.

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