
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What This Blog Is About

Yesterday, I received two messages, one on Facebook before I posted the Miley Cyrus piece, and one by email after it went up. They were both of the same ilk, and I'm not talking about the hideously bad spelling and grammar. Both folks thought I was adding fuel to the apathetic fire by writing about Miley Cyrus. One gentleman indicated I was un-American and didn't care about politics because I wasn't writing about Syria, and worse than that, writing about Miley instead of Syria. Both of them threatened to stop being readers of mine.

It bugged me at first. I am political, and I care intensely about the Syria situation and the lost lives both present and future. But you know what? That's not what I'm about here. Welcome to Hell is a blog, just a blog, and I talk about pop culture here. I talk about movies, television, comics, music, books, the industry in general, basically anything that turns my crank, in either direction, in entertainment. This blog is not about politics. Surely these two folks wouldn't want me to talk Syria over at French Fry Diary or The Non-Gamer's Gamer's Blog, would they? Then why should I do it here? Stay on topic.

My take yesterday on the Miley Cyrus thing was not one of exhibition or hedonism. If you read carefully, it was one of concern. The woman is on a path of self-destruction. If she shows an entire nation, no, the entire world, that she is crying for help - why isn't anyone helping her? Yes, she put on a freakshow, but that wasn't my message, like it was for many in the entertainment news business.

For the record, my views on Miley and Syria are pretty much mirrored by one of my favorite bloggers, Liz Henry, over at The Broad Side. You can read it here. I love her writing, I love her voice, and you should too. I'm just the comics and fry guy, she takes on the tough stuff.

To my two upset readers - I hope you keep reading, but I'm sorry, I won't be talking politics here. It just ain't happening, folks.


  1. Heironymous5:28 PM

    So I take it you don't think it was a publicity stunt?

    If that's the case, then I agree you should write more seriously about the things you are not concerned with and cease writing about Miley and her political agenda in Syria.

    Nope, I think that's wrong, too.

    I guess I should read this stuff more carefully.

  2. Just keep writing the wonderful way that you've always done and don't pay too much attention to the negativity. You were worried about that young girl and spoke up where other people stand by and watch the car crash.
