
Monday, July 08, 2013

The Big Brother Racists

I haven't really talked about "Big Brother" this year, mostly because I've been bored by it. There was no one I liked, no one I wanted to root for. They even included Rachel's sister in the cast this season. One would think, as a Rachel fan, I'd be excited, but no. Please take this the wrong way, but her sister, Elissa, is just Rachel with all the charisma and sexiness removed. And her personality consists of just her being Rachel's sister. Yawn.

There is even a new twist with the eviction process, an added candidate, but none of it was really enough to catch my attention. It really comes down to cast. Cast someone I'll want to like, not a bunch of bland rejects from "90120" auditions. No one here clicked for me.

Then something happened, something both exciting, and fully explaining why I didn't like anyone. There wasn't anyone to like, except for a couple racists, whom are just built for the audience to hate. Trouble is, we haven't been privy to their hate until just recently. Now CBS has opened the doors to reveal these imbeciles to the world.

Houseguests Aaryn, and to a lesser extent, Ginamarie, have been showing their 'true colors' as they have made serious anti-Asian, anti-black, and anti-gay remarks about their fellow houseguests. Really? A twenty-two year old with views like this? I am shocked in this day and age. Are there really monsters like this still walking around in America? Thank the gods she has lost her job while in the house. At least someone is clear thinking.

Now I have a reason to watch "Big Brother" this season, and someone very specific to root against, boo, hiss, and wish misfortunes upon. Don't cry, Aaryn, maybe the neo-Nazis are looking for a new cover girl…

I cannot wait for Aaryn's exit interview …with Julie…


  1. I think it is all a scripted scam like THE REAL WORLD is and other things. Past Big Brother house guests have talked about playing roles and doing what the producers want.

    Don't let them con you! Change that channel!!

    (who does not think he is a robot or spammer)

  2. Kevin, I think you're right. Sometimes the script will bring up a subject like the unequal way we treat other people to get people arguing and maybe seeing themselves in the mirror as racist. All the young people I know, are not racist, so I think's it's the show's producers trying to push up the ratings. Glenn send your post to the show's producers and see if they do something about it:)

  3. Kevin, what we see in the prime time version is heavily edited as with all reality programs surely.

    I have a source at CBS, a fellow Writer Circle member, who on previous occasions has verified the shenanigans on the show. She said at one point that the problem with the "Big Brothers," especially the American version, is controlling the houseguests. Remember that crazy bitch Chima?

    And Marie, if this had been planned for the show, why wasn't it done on the prime time editions weeks ago when it started?

    Please note, it was offended folks with the 24 hour feeds who pressured CBS to finally do something about this, and were demanding the network bring it to everyone's attention.
