The recent nonsense in the Middle East with the murders, attacks, and protests against American Embassies is not the normal fodder for content here on Welcome to Hell, but it kinda is when it's caused by a film. The film, and I use the word loosely, is called Innocence of Muslims by filmmaker, once again a term I'm using loosely, Sam Bacile, who we have since learned is an alias for Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.
Based on what I've seen of the man, and the film, he is a hate criminal, and responsible for the deaths so far in our embassies. And that's not just because it's a bad movie. It's more and less than a bad movie. Horrible acting, sets, and writing, and created specifically to incite the Islam world to violence. This is something even Uwe Boll never did.
Notably this is not the first time film has been used as a mind weapon. The gangster films of the 1930s were said to bring about, among other things, juvenile delinquency. Violent movies have always been said to make kids more violent. The trend continues today. I think the documentaries of Michael Moore have fanned the fires, if not lit them initially, of the bipartisanism that threatens to tear our nation apart.
I think this will be a first. We've had music and videogames supposedly make people kill, we've had books do it, most notably with "The Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie, now I guess, it's film's turn. Still these things bother me.
While I do wonder what Ozzy song was Genghis Khan's favorite, and what Call of Duty game Hitler played the most, this movie was a deliberate assault on a faith, in my opinion. I hope this furor dies down soon, and people realize that this was just a bad movie…
Glenn, thank you for writing this and putting some sense to what has happened.