
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vote for Ace Kilroy!

A message from the creators of Ace Kilroy:

Dear Friends of Ace -

Dan and I are proud as punch to announce Ace Kilroy has been nominated for an Eagle Award, the comics industry longest-running award. Out of the dozens of entries that were in the initial round earlier in the year, it was announced today we made it to the final five contestants and are now officially nominated.

Voting is now open, so we implore you to head over to the Eagle Awards official ballot: ...and vote for Ace Kilroy in category #19, Favourite Web-Based Comic.

Dan and I have been doing Ace Kilroy entirely on our own, and just receiving this nomination is a thrill. If we were lucky enough to win, it would be a huge PR push for us, and would help get the word out about the strip to literally thousands of potential new fans.

Voting is open NOW, and ends April 2nd. Please show your support for us and Ace Kilroy, and spread the word about the nomination far and wide.

Thank you for your continued support, and wish us luck!

Rob & Dan
Creators, Ace Kilroy!/AceKilroy

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