
Friday, February 24, 2012

Closing Out the Blog Tour, and More

If you read yesterday's blog entry about The Hungry Heart Stories virtual book tour, you know that I am giving away a copy of the book to the best comment or question by a reader along the tour stops. I will be awarding this prize on Friday, March 2, so there is still time to make your mark and add a comment to any of the stops.

Here are the stops for THE HUNGRY HEART STORIES Blog Tour:

"Writing - Art - Metaphysics" by Shelley Szajner, her interview can be found here.

"Becca Butcher's Blog" by Becca Butcher, you can check out the tour with Becca here, here, here, here and the interview here. Yeah, Becca rocked the house when it came to promoting this tour. Thank you! ((hugs))

"Gilbert Curiosities" by Marie Gilbert features the author interview here and the review here.

"The Author-in-Training" by Mieke Zamora-Mackay has an interview with Fran about inspiration here.

"A Reference of Writing Rants or "Learn from My Mistakes"" by Jennifer M. Eaton, you can find her unique and entertaining interview here.

"The Dream Between" by Robin Renee, see her thoughts here.

"Literary Debauchery" by Krista Magrowski, the review can be found here.

And here at Welcome to Hell, I talk about Fran, the book, and the blog tour here, here, and here.

And make sure to check out all of the above blogs, and not just for the tour. They are all by terrific, talented writers and artists with much to say.

THE HUNGRY HEART STORIES is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and from the publisher Wilderness House Press.

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