
Monday, December 19, 2011

The Avengers Web Ring Chat for December

Reaperradio presents:


Covering any and all Avengers and Avengers-related titles, as well as the various Avengers animated series and movies.

When: Tuesday 12/20, 8:00 PM EST, 1:00 AM GMT, and 6:30 India Standard Time. Also, there will be a Second Round Chat Wave for latecomers @ 9:30 PM EST, 2:30 AM GMT, and 8:00 AM India Standard Time.


Just pick a user name and log in, no password is necessary. It takes a minute or two for the chat room to load; if it doesn't, just download the Java update on the same page. If you can't get in right away, check back in a few minutes. While most people have had no problems logging in, occasionally, someone has had to wait ten to fifteen minutes before they could enter.

TIP: To read the chat transcript more easily, click the Float button and expand the chat room window.

Hope to see you there!

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