
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Non-Gamer's Gamer's Blog

Just a bit of shameless self-promotion here today. Some of you know, and some of you don't know, but this isn't my only blog, nor my only outlet of rage and ignorance. I also blog elsewhere on the innerwebs.

One of those other places is The Non-Gamer's Gamer's Blog. It was a project I came up with a while ago to keep myself from becoming a bum. You see the theory is that the only thing that keeps a freelance writer from officially becoming a bum is the ownership of a gaming system. With a gaming system in the house, I had to do something - blogging about it - to keep me from bumship.

So here is The Non-Gamer's Gamer's Blog, described as "A forty-something non-gamer gets a PlayStation 3 and tries to get up to speed, reviewing games and posting random thoughts about the electronic gaming world."

If you so dare, you can enjoy it here.

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