
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau

The Adjustment Bureau ~ This is one of those movies that I really wish I didn't know the premise of before I started watching it. The on-screen electricity between Matt Damon and Emily Blunt at the beginning of this flick is marred by knowing that their relationship is doomed. It made me sad that the bulk of the movie would be about them trying to get together and stay together while others pull them apart - when what I really wanted to see was them together and watching their romance bloom. Perhaps it's something we can see when and if they are paired in another film, because they have chemistry, and it is sadly wasted here in this non-romance.

Now that is not to say this is a bad movie, it's not, it just doesn't play well with the abilities of the actors. Damon is good, Blunt is good, but they could have been great. The movie is scifi, not romance, and it's based on the classic scifi story "Adjustment Team" by the late Philip K. Dick. The premise is that our lives are predetermined by Fate, and maintained by agents of Fate. If we veer off course, these agents step in and make sure all goes to plan. Damon and Blunt are not meant to be together - and it rolls from there, hilarity ensues, and the action begins.

Again, it's no romance, more like another Bourne movie with a supernatural edge, but it's good. John Slattery from "Mad Men" does a suitable imitation of that role as the leader of the 'adjustment team.' I also like team member Anthony Mackie, and it took me a while to figure out where I know him from. He's been in the background of a million different things, nothing major, but I think he's someone to watch.

All in all, it's not a bad scifi flick, even though it quickly disintegrates into an action flick. Defnitely worth a watch, worth a rental or a pay-per-view. Good premise, good acting, and you just can't beat Dick. Behave. You know what I mean. And watch out for the men in hats.

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