Rango ~ The first animated feature from George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic is a disaster.
Take Don Knotts, pump him full of hallucinogenics, and have him play a computer animated lizard. Yeah, that's what Johnny Depp as Rango is like - and none of it in a good way. This is an ugly film with a bare skeleton of a plot that pretends to be much more than it is.
There are some interesting visuals done with the CGI, clever angles, different textures, but mostly a whole lot of ugly as it's about desire dwelling creatures. It's like bad scary cartoon taxidermy, and it's hard to watch.
The bat-riding hillbilly varmits arrive much too late to save this flick. The western character templates (like Eli Wallach and Clint Eastwood) and cliches, and the Chinatown comparisons and parodies can't save it. Even the Hunter Thompson cameo in the beginning can't save it. Avoid at all costs, unless you are a die-hard Depp fan, or need a nap.
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