
Friday, November 19, 2010

Glory Daze

TBS, now that they have Conan O'Brian, is thinking forward toward other new programming to show off and entice viewers while they are dropping by to see Conan. One of their new shows is "Glory Daze," a comedy drama set at a frat house in the 1980s, obviously trying to cash in on nostalgic forty year-olds.

The idea has such promise and has been done before, successfully mining other nostalgic decades in shows like "Happy Days" and "The 70s Show," and even less so in the latter's largely forgotten and sadly underrated spin-off, "The 80s Show."

The main problem with "Glory Daze" however is not ratings or stars leaving or even jumping sharks. It's that it's just like every other similar show about young folks getting into trouble on television. Adding in clichéd fashion, chronologically out of order music, John Hughes-like formulas and some ridiculous slang doesn't make it any better.

I love the 80s, I grew up in the 80s, sometimes I even get nostalgic for the 80s, but wow, one episode of "Glory Daze" was all I could take.

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1 comment:

  1. Crystal2:56 PM

    There was a short commercial for this show during the previews last night, and that was enough for me. I think the comment made was "Yeah, that almost looked like it could not suck..."
