
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Philadelphia Comic Con - Day Two

When I’m wrong, I’m wrong, and when I need to eat my words I will, and based on today, it would seem that my observations about Wizard World Philly yesterday might have been a bit hasty. Seem.

Today was a much brighter and busier day than yesterday. Guests, and cosplayers and just regular fans and good folks were everywhere. Lots of costumes and happy con-goers abounded. This was an excellent change from yesterday.

Saw lots of the non-comic guests like Adam West, Bruce Campbell, Brent Spiner, John DeLancie, James Marsters, Linda Hamilton and a whole boatload of wrestlers. My buddy Ray tried to explain who all the wrestlers were to me, but it all went through my head like a sieve. I imagine that that is the feeling my wife gets when I talk about pre-Crisis and post-Crisis continuity. The scary thing about Ray is that he knows both comics and wrestling.

I shook Adam West’s hand and told him he was the reason I was there – that if I had never seen his “Batman” TV show I never would have picked up a comic book. He smiled, and I’m sure he thought “you poor bastard,” but he was nice about it. Nice guy, and looking hella good for his age.

In Artist’s Alley I ran into former Mighty Avengers artist Khoi Pham. We run into each other at every east coast con it seems. It’s cool, I’m a fan of his work. So much so that I was going to get a sketch, something I plan on doing every time I see him but forget. A couple moments at his table changed my mind and I decided I wanted a page of his Mighty Avengers more. I’ll post a pic after I buy it tomorrow.

Upstairs, Ray and I ran into a fellow con-goer who had also bought some art, some amazing Haunted Tank and Iron Fist pages. We immediately struck up an intriguing conversation, and not necessarily about comics or the con either. It struck me that this is what the con, any con, is really about – making new friends, and hanging out with old friends.

There were glitches today, mostly dealing with lines – lines to get in, lines for guests, lines for panels – but that’s besides the point. Today was good. Today was fun. This was a one hundred percent turnaround from my Friday experience. Of course, there was the revelation of no press room, but we hung out upstairs anyway. It was cool. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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  1. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Glad day two was an improvement over the first one...

    And your bud Ray sounds like my kinda guy - comics and 'rasslng, definitely a good mix. ;)

  2. So awesome that you got to meet Adam West. <3
