
Friday, June 25, 2010

Mighty Avengers Finale

"WWJVDD" - my comic book review of Mighty Avengers #36, the final issue of the series, by writer Dan Slott and artist Khoi Pham, is now online at Avengers Forever.

The Mighty Avengers are gone, it’s Jocasta vs. Hank Pym, it’s three against three billion, Ultron triumphant, and What Would Janet Van Dyne Do? - all this and more - check out my review here:


And thank you, Dan and Khoi, for a great but brief ride.

If you want to discuss this review, this issue or anything Avengers, please check out the Avengers Forever Forum.

And if you'd like to make a donation to help keep the Avengers Forever website as mighty as ever, click here.

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