
Monday, April 12, 2010

Doctor Who: The Beast Below

Okay, the preliminaries are over, we have a fascinating new Doctor, we have a spunky new companion, it’s time to get this ball rolling. "The Beast Below," also a Steven Moffet script (that’s a good thing) has the Doctor and Amy dropping in on 29th century UK, a floating metal island in space, where the populations of Earth have fled in entire artificial nations to escape solar flares. If nothing else, the visuals are extraordinary.

The Doctor and Amy’s relationship seems at first to be going down the Rose road, as he happily shows her the wonders of time and space, along with the rules, and she jumps right in, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. While Matt Smith seems to be quickly evolving past the two former Doctors and into his own, Karen Gillan still feels like a happy mix of Rose and Martha with a healthy dose of Donna as well. I would have liked a new companion, but the 'imaginary friend' twist does help. Above all else though, I like these two, a lot.

UK3K is a rather old school steampunk world that the Doctor almost immediately points out must be a police state. Another thing I like is that Smith’s Doctor explains a bit more to his companion than previous ones, yet still, not enough. And as with any place the TARDIS lands, nothing is as it seems. Our heroes are quickly caught up in the mayhem of their new surroundings, keeping with "Doctor Who" specifications from waaay back.

By the way, did anyone else catch the reference from "The Idiot Lantern" episode? Gotta love Who continuity. As good as this episode was, and I won’t give any more of the details away, the next promises to be even better. I can’t wait.

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