
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Quickies 1-5-2010

The Proposal ~ Sweet and cute, but predictable romantic comedy about two folks who hate each other and upon being forced to spend time with each other fall in love. It’s fun though. I like both Ryan Reynolds and especially Sandra Bullock a lot so that might have a lot to do with it. Malin Ackerman, Silk Spectre from Watchmen, has a small role and is quite good, but is ultimately wasted. She can do better. I liked this, it was fun and harmless, just like a date movie should be.

Super Capers ~ Wanna see a movie about superheroes by folks who not only have no respect for the genre but also don’t know anything about it either? This one’s for you. Not only was I insulted, but it wasn’t funny either, not even for eight year olds. And Adam West should be ashamed of himself.

The Tale of Despereaux ~ I’ve tried multiple times to watch this one and each time it puts me to sleep. I think that says all I need to say about this one.

30,000 Leagues Under the Sea ~ What sounds like it might be fun, an updating of Captain Nemo, is just painful to watch. Lorenzo Llamas sleepwalks through this miserable pit of non-acting and bad writing as if it’s a prison sentence. And it is, just not for him, for us. This is truly one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but great if you’re looking for something to bore you to sleep.

Shorts ~ Writer/director Robert Rodriguez gives us this tale of a wishing rock, an evil corporation and neighborhood kids that never ceases to amuse. I really enjoyed this multi-layered story told in the time-tumbled fashion of Pulp Fiction with all the fun of Spy Kids. My only complaint – I saw it on DVD and found the lack of a “Ten Minute Film School” segment disappointing. Otherwise, this is highly recommended for kids of all ages.

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