
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jean Simmons Dies at 80

Legendary actress Jean Simmons passed away yesterday from complications of lung cancer at the age of 80.

The Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning actress not only held some of the most coveted roles in Hollywood but she also played opposite some its greatest leading men, like Marlon Brando, Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Richard Burton and Laurence Olivier.

After her stellar career in film Jean moved onto television where she won an Emmy for "The Thorn Birds" and even played in the much-maligned remake of "Dark Shadows." We have truly lost one of the greats. She will be missed.

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1 comment:

  1. Matt F.3:40 PM

    Don't forget her turn as a prosecutor in ST:TNG's "Drumhead" - definitely one of their better episodes (if more than a little disturbing, given some of the things that have gone on since 9/11.) Certainly having someone of her stature and presence really made the role and the episode.
