
Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Blackest Night

This week is what is known in the comic book industry as a skip week. For the holiday or whatever reason, there is no comic book delivery this week. So those in the know who wait for every Wednesday to get their weekly fix. But this week is a little bit different – there is one comic in stores this week - Blackest Night #6.

For the uninitiated, Blackest Night is the newest crossover mini-series event from DC Comics. A Green Lantern story where the dead are coming back and take the living back with them. I’m oversimplifying yes, but it’s not really the story that is the story here.

The story is that this issue of this mini-series brought the fans and readers into the comics shops on a day when it might usually have been deserted. The title, by fan favorite writer Geoff Johns and artist Ivan Reis, has taken heat for being overly horrific, a downward spiral into death and just a depressing experience.

Issue #6 is the turning point however, and Johns pulls it off flawlessly. For the hardcore comics readers there are moments of triumph, like when the Flash says while outrunning certain death, "but I'm faster," and also fanboy who'd-win moments like where Aquaman's beloved Mera wonders out loud if Wonder Woman could actually defeat her. This is the good stuff.

Things have looked grim, but now that changes. After all it’s a writing rule that the worst thing that can happen always does – and that real heroes win against impossible odds. Here’s the part where that win begins. Do you have your copy yet? And wait until you see those last two pages...

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:36 AM

    definitely got my copy reserved.
