
Friday, October 16, 2009

George Tuska 1916-2009

Comics artist George Tuska passed away yesterday at the age of 93. He had only just days before finally retired from doing art commissions.

Tuska's career spanned more than six decades having done work in the Golden, Silver, Bronze and Modern Ages. One could say he might be best remembered for his work on Iron Man, but the truth is the man's pen touched nearly every comic book character.

With his reputation as a fill-in artist, there wasn't anyone he didn't draw. And his regular work spanned the field from Luke Cage to the Avengers to the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents to Black Goliath to the Sub-Mariner to Buck Rogers to the original Captain Marvel to Superman and the Justice League in their newspaper strip.

We have truly lost one of the great ones, he will be missed.

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