
Monday, September 07, 2009

Quickies 9-7-2009

Extract ~ I really wanted to like this one, being such a big fan of Mike Judge’s Office Space, but no suck luck. This might have been good or maybe just looked good on paper, but on the screen this is a loser. Ben Affleck is interesting in the way he used to be in Kevin Smith movies but then he blows it by referencing himself as a character. This doesn’t work, but man, I wish it did.

Dark Manhattan/Underworld ~ This double DVD features two 1930s urban melodramas with all African-American casts. The second is better than the first, but together a great time capsule of the time and an underrated gem.

The Hole Story ~ A wannabe TV producer trying to sell his pilot manufactures a story where there is none. A great concept poorly executed, but worth a look.

The Inglorious Bastards ~ Also known as Deadly Mission and G.I. Joe, it should be known that the only thing this flick has in common with the new Quentin Tarantino film besides a similar title is that it occurs in Nazi-occupied France. Other than that this is just a pretty typical 1970s war movie about guys on a mission – in a DVD extra Tarantino even explains that for him and his friends, the term ‘inglorious bastards’ always means ‘guys on a mission.’ In fact, the DVD extra with Tarantino talking with this film’s director Enzo Castellari is probably more fun and more engaging than the movie itself.

Bohica: The Devil’s Film-Maker ~ I just bet this looked a whole lot better on paper than it does on the screen. And the music, a rip-off of the “Kolchak the Night Stalker” theme, is like a never-ending circle of Hell itself. That’s the real horror of this low-budget horror/comedy.

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