
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

More of the Same, Just Earlier

I just finished watching the first episode of the new prime time version of "The Tonight Show," um, I mean "The Jay Leno Show." I was unimpressed. I wish I wasn't, but that was how I saw it. It's just more of the same stuff we were getting at 11:30 three months ago.

There's literally nothing new here. I still wouldn't tune in for Jay Leno, no offense, he's just not that funny for me, but rather for his guests. And if Jay continues to softball the guests, especially when they are Twitter of-the-moment hot like Kanye West - what's the point really?

A few comments about tonight's episode... I gotta give props to Dan Finnerty, but really, when isn't he entertaining? Still, I like him better doing covers, but that's just me. I want the desk back. Jerry Seinfeld certainly is fighting a losing battle against male pattern baldness, but he's still funny. I kinda liked the Obama bit but I was sad that Jay stooped to stealing two decade old Weird Al MTV bits. And speaking of MTV and the VMAs, as heartfelt and sincere as Kanye's apology was, I think he could have rehearsed it more. And killer performance by Kanye, Jay-Z and Rhianna.

If you liked Jay at 11:30, you'll love him an hour and a half earlier, just don't expect any surprises.

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