
Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Feast ~ Despite the horror stories and rumors from the set that plagued the production during HBO’s “Project: Greenlight,” I liked this a lot. This is brilliant creative self-aware horror of the sort we haven’t seen since maybe Scream.

I love the sarcastic and sardonic captions that introduce the characters, much fun. The bomb shelter setting in a bar surrounded by hungry (and horny) mutant killing machines only lends to the suspense and terror. Henry Rollins is great as a motivational speaker, just when I thought undertaking of ironic roles was getting clichéd. And look quick or you’ll miss Jason Mewes as himself.

Also for fans of the genre, don’t worry, it’s bloody, gory and violent. And funny. When Bloody-Disgusting said this flick pulls no punches, they were sooo not kidding. Must see for horror folks, otherwise, not for everyone.

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1 comment:

  1. Simply reading the blog for this movie makes me shudder. Maybe because the house I lived in as a child had a fall-out shelter; small, confining and dark. Looks horrifying!
