
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Big Brother: Jocks on Top

The Clique rampage continues. With the Athletes on top, it is just like high school in the Big Brother House. I’m surprised that wedgies haven’t been part of everyday life as opposed to just being a competition. Jessie and the Athletes however have chosen their nominees for eviction: Chima and Lydia. Toldja. And with the power of veto going to fellow jock on top Russell, don't expect those names to change...

After one episode of the regular network “Big Brother” on CBS and two of Showtime’s three hour “Big Brother: After Dark,” we’re getting a better grip on who’s who in the house. Jessie still seems much the same chucklehead he was in season ten. Kevin continues to be my favorite housemate. Casey, while making a few connections, seems to be doing everything he can to alienate folks with his overloud voice and oversharing...

And Lydia, tsk tsk tsk, poor Lydia has just dropped completely off my fave scale in trying to seduce Jessie into letting her stay in the house. Damn shame, I liked her a lot. I hope she goes. The eviction is coming up. Can’t wait...


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