
Monday, March 30, 2009

Spider-Man in Trouble Again

Poor Peter Parker just can't seem to catch a break these days. Even with a Broadway musical in the works with tunage by Bono and The Edge, and saving a kid in Bangkok, it seems everybody's favorite wall-crawler is in trouble again - this time with idiot parents and illiterate librarians.

A Milliard, Nebraska mother is outraged that her six-year old son got a Spider-Man trade collection from his school library, specifically Amazing Spider-Man: Revelations Vol. 2 by J. Michael Straczynski and John Romita Jr., saw a drawing of a bikini-clad Mary Jane and it rotted his brain. And let's not leave out the fact that the book is rated (as are most Marvel Comics) for ages 12 and up, so thumbs up to the librarian that gave the kid the book.

First off, it's just a bikini, folks, and Mary Jane Watson/Parker/Whatever is one sexy fictional character, and John Romita Jr. is a helluva an artist, so I wouldn't expect less. And let's be frank, this could be much worse. Notice how the outraged mom doesn't have a thing to say about the violence in the book. That must be okay for her precious child.

And of course no mention is made that at least this is a child who is not only reading, but actively using a library at age six. I think this is a triumph in itself and something any parent should be proud of. But then again, what do I know? I learned to read at barely the age of four... from those dreaded comic books.


  1. Heironymous3:40 PM

    Now, you see, here's where that mom and I really differ. Forget about the implied sexual overtones. I have more of an issue with the size of J. Michael Straczynski's name on the cover.

    Oh, and I learned to read chewing Bazooka bubble gum and reading about the wacky exploits of Bazooka Joe. My mom didn't care, but those nuns at my elementary school were sure outraged at that time....

  2. I'm with you Glenn. I started reading comic book at the same age!
