
Sunday, October 05, 2008

DVD Shopping

This past Tuesday I made the trek to the local Best Buy, which is no longer a very good place to buy DVDs because a few years back they drastically reduced their selection, which previously had been amazing. But the store was adequate for what I was after. I wanted the new Iron Man double-disc set that came out that day and Speed Racer from the week before.

Unfortunately, Speed Racer will lose almost 90% of its cool on the small screen. I'm so glad I got to see it in IMAX. And of course, Iron Man is the best superhero movie of the year, if not the decade, and one of the best movies period of this year. Dark Knight? What's that?

The prize of this shopping expedition however was the three-disc special edition of The Maltese Falcon. What makes it so great, and made me buy it immediately was the fact that it not only included a "Warner Night at the Movies" (much like the one I described in my review of Black Legion), three radio adaptations and a new documentary about the film but also - the original two versions of the film, Dangerous Female and Satan Met a Lady. Love it, love it. Too cool.


  1. I kind of regretted not buying the "Shellhead" version of the DVD I saw at Target. But that's such a pain to store that it's not worth it, really.

    That Maltese Falcon set does look awesome, though.

  2. Sounds like a great find! Good for you.

    Georganna @ A Writer's Edge
