
Friday, September 05, 2008

The Wedding Singer – On Stage

I recently saw the Broadway version of “The Wedding Singer,” one of the few Adam Sandler films that I like. The production in question was not the cool one on Broadway that features one of my favorite performers, Stephen Lynch, in the title role, but a touring version at Harrahs in Atlantic City. I wasn’t really expecting much but was very pleasantly surprised.

The show is actually a fun time trip back to the 1980s, specifically 1985, but the in-jokes and references span the whole decade. The original songs are energetic and fun, some bearing a neat resemblance to the actual 80s songs from the Sandler flick. Of note are “Come Out of the Dumpster” and “Casualty of Love.”

The thing that struck me the most odd, and I had to wonder how many of the audience got the jokes and references in the show because of their age. You could tell how many people had lived through the 1980s at a relevant age by the laughs, but for the most part – this being a show at a casino – the audience was full of blue hairs, walkers and canes. I can’t for the life of me believe they enjoyed, or understood “The Wedding Singer” even a little bit.

For me however, it was a surprising and entertaining time. Recommended, even at a casino.

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