
Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Review of Death Masks

Having been a writer and hanging around writers for quite some time now I realize there are folks who talk the talk and those who walk the walk. It’s rare to find someone who does both. Author Kim Richards is one of those folks. When she talks about writing, she’s not only serious, she’s passionate. And that passion comes through in her writing. Her words are alive.

Her words are alive, just as alive as protagonist Bill Cristo is in Death Masks. He is an identifying character in the Stephen King mold, he is us. We are frustrated at his job and happy with his girlfriend. We feel for him and with him. Just as many of us approaching that nether zone of not old but not young any more the doctors have come down on him hard. He’s overweight and needs to do something about it – or he won’t get much older.

So Bill decides to start exercising, maybe a walk or a jog in the park. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention there’s a nutjob stalking the park with a syringe? Yep, and that is when, as they say, hilarity ensues. As the mystery deepens so does your interest. The author has a stranglehold on your attention and never fails you.

This thriller is always on. When we’re not on the roller coaster of suspense, we’re exploring the psyches of Bill or our killer. As I said, Kim Richards is a writer with passion, and that passion propels the reader through the story at an alarming pace. I read Death Masks in one sitting, not because I wanted to or intended to – but because I had to. Kim’s prose wouldn’t let me do otherwise. Highly recommended.

For your copy of Death Masks, check out Eternal Press.

And don’t forget to hit the last two stops on this Virtual Book Tour, with Sheri McGathy on Sunday and Arwen Spencer on Monday.

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