
Saturday, June 28, 2008

Death Masks by Kim Richards

Kim Richards is a friend, and although we've never met in person, I consider her as dear a friend as one could know through this wild magic known as the intranets. She's been wonderful support for me as a writer and hopefully we've both been able to learn from each other in our time in The Writers Chatroom. When she asked me to be part of her virtual book tour for Death Masks, I jumped at the chance. So for the next few blog entries here at Welcome to Hell, we'll be taking a look at her terrific new novel.

Here's the book trailer from YouTube:

Here's the super-cool back cover blurb:

Bill Cristo takes up walking a per his doctor’s orders to lose weight and improve his health. While at the metro park, he witnesses an assault. The assailant turns on him and he wakes in the hospital with a nasty bump on his head, wondering why he isn’t dead.

The news reports nothing on any attack in the metro park but Bill can’t let it go...not when he realizes there are other young men missing from the same area. He digs up what he can on his own, drawing further attention from the murderer. Will he be able to figure out who the killer is before it reaches his live-in girlfriend?

Interested in picking up Death Masks? Check out Eternal Press for details.

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