
Thursday, March 06, 2008

Who Are the Spider Twins?

Just ask comic book genius and hack Chris Wisnia, the creative force behind Tabloia and he'll tell you. Maybe. But if you can guess the masked vigilante of the week, maybe you'll get more. Here are the 'sketchy' details...

Web Comic AND WEEKLY CONTEST! The Spider Twins Companion! A Vital Compendium of Crude Bay's most notorious, thrilling, sexy, and dangerous masked vigilantes!

Every week, you are invited to write in and guess the vigilante's name!

Every guesser is entered into a drawing to win a FREE SKETCH!

Go to every Monday for a mugshot, every Tuesday for a full-body shot with descriptions of key attributes or skills, and every Friday to see if you are the winner, posted alongside the character explanation and action shot!

Fun, fun, fun, don't miss it!

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