
Thursday, February 07, 2008

"Smallville"'s Black Canary

After much hoopla and uber-promotion, the Black Canary has debuted tonight on the CW’s "Smallville" series. This isn’t the Canary’s first foray into live-action television as she first appeared in NBC’c horrid "Legends of the Super-Heroes" back in the 1970s and most recently in "Birds of Prey". Here on "Smallville," her appearance marks the long-awaited return of Green Arrow. All in all it was a great episode with some very cool superhero action and fairly good effects, however watered down by the gruesome soap opera aspect that the series has taken on. As a not-so-regular viewer (basically only when comic book concepts show up) I have to say that this aspect has gotten not only worse, but campier. Whereas last season I was on board for most of the Green Arrow episodes, and enjoyed the antics of Clark, Lana, Lex and Lois – as of this one… not so much. It’s Superman, guys, just let him be Superman. There’s enough soap opera in that paradigm already.

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