
Saturday, November 17, 2007

WE Empowers Women

In the most recent cable upgrade from Comcast, we were presented with a new channel - We. Now I thought that I had heard of it before, and what I thought I had heard was that it was a 'women's channel,' similar to Oprah's Oxygen or the grandmommy of them all, Lifetime. Their website even says WE Empowers Women. Upon looking at their schedule, I'm not so sure.

Their weekend programming seems to be composed of nothing but old "48 Hours" reruns, something called "Rescue Mediums" - about female psychics who make housecalls, and "John Edward Cross Country." Seems more like a psychic network to me, and wasn't John Edward revealed as a fraud a few years back, and wasn't that why he was taken off the air? Perhaps I've heard wrong on that, but I still don't trust this snake oil salesman. Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to believe I have dead relatives following me around, watching me, all the time, even when I'm on the toilet. Somehow I think there might be better things to do in the afterlife than that.

The We schedule during the week doesn't promise much more than curiosity, the same sort of curiosity one might have to see a freak show maybe. Programs like "Cruel and Unusual Transgender Women in Prison," "Bridezillas," "Unwrapping Macy's," "Girl Meets Cowboy" and more reruns of "Kate & Allie," "Hope & Faith" and "Dharma & Greg" than you can shake a stick at.

And even though it does seem like the psychics/weddings/sitcom-rerun network, I will still give a try. Heck, some of this stuff does sound interesting, especially "Cruel and Unusual Transgender Women in Prison." Hey, at least Comcast didn't give us another golf channel...

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