
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

In Case You Didn't Know...

In case you didn't know... there is a Yahoo! discussion group for this blog.

For discussion of pop culture of all types, times and genres.

Feel free to post your own reviews of what you've seen or critique the reviews on Glenn Walker's Welcome to Hell: Pop Culture Reviews weblog.

Glenn Walker is a writer with too much time on his hands, or depending on the day, not enough time on his hands. He loves, hates and lives pop culture. He knows too freaking much about pop culture. Given that, he has to vomit up his voluminous opinions on them here. Welcome to Hell. If you need to agree, disagree or make him shut up, please feel free to make your voice heard here.

This group will also serve as an announcement list for Glenn Walker's projects.

All comments invited.

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Click to join welcome_2_hell

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