
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Mystery of Cloverfield

Yep, more YouTube goodness. Anyone who checked out the Transformers movie earlier this summer got to see an interesting trailer/teaser that has come to be called "Cloverfield."

The flick, alternately called "Cloverfield" and "1-18-08," is the brain child of J.J. Abrams. Name sound familiar? It should. Abrams is the force behind the "Lost" TV series and he will soon be helping Paramount relaunch their "Star Trek" franchise. The writer of this project is an Abrams buddy from "Lost" and the directer was seasoned on "Felicity." I'm really not sure what that says.

"Cloverfield" appears to be about a giant monster attack on New York City, but done with a new twist. That twist would be the use of portable cameras and pone to record the action, and yes, I see the ghost of The Blair Witch Project hiding over there by the stairs too.

As a huge Godzilla fan, I should nip some major speculation in the bud right now. It's not Godzilla. The rights to that character are held by Toho and Sony, neither of whom have anything to do with this project. Other speculation does sound intriguing however, as I've also heard talk of the 'monster' being H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu, which, unlike Godzilla, is in the public domain. Done right, that would rock.

There is also the very real possibility we wouldn't see (or get a name for) the 'monster' at all. "Cloverfield" could be a human story about people coping with disaster, but of course, that would be anywhere near as much fun as a giant monster.

Well, there it is, only time will tell now. It's set for a January 2008 release. Wait and see.

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