
Friday, February 23, 2007

Quickies 2-22-2007

Duplex - I'm not a fan of Ben Stiller, or maybe I am. I just don't tend to like the same Ben Stiller stuff everyone else raves over. I loved his long ago Fox TV show for example. I related to his character, a writer, in this dark comedy from 2003, and I've always loved Drew Barrymore. This one has its moments but by no means one of his best and definitely not his most popular. Worth a peek.

Jane White Is Sick and Twisted - This tour de force by actress Kim Little had so much promise as a satire about television. You ever see a movie preview that looks so good you can't wait to see it, and then you do see it and it's like shit on a stick? That's this flick. Despite interesting appearances by David (Squiggy) Lander, Wil Wheaton, Colin Mochrie and Maureen McCormick, this movie is nothing but disappointment.

Mandingo in a Box - At first I thought this was a play on the "Saturday Night Live" skit "Dick in a Box" but it's much better. This twelve-minute flick written and directed by Daheli Hall is a smart and funny commentary on how desperate single black women are for a 'perfect' male counterpart. Genius.

Closing out this obscure set of flicks this time is The Hookers - a retro-erotica selection available from Comcast's Something Weird On Demand channel. We were popping through channels with company over a few weeks back and came across this 1967 mini epic that tells the tale of three girls gone bad. Filmed in black and white by an apparently drunken camera crew, it's so unintentionally funny and inexplicable (many shots of a glass vase full of wheat - what the hell does that mean?) we're still laughing over it. See it at your own risk, and prepare to giggle uncontrollably.

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