
Monday, October 03, 2005

Off the Top of My Head...

The Poseidon Adventure

Irwin Allen's classic first major disaster movie, Gene Hackman as hero and Shelley Winters creating a legend in her Mrs. Rosen. Gotta love where folks dance to music that doesn't match. Must see train wreck flick!

And just for the record, that Dukes of Hazard movie should be shown to prisoners on Death Row to make their stay that much more painful.


  1. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anyone who spams a blog is a complete asshole.

  2. Tutti6:00 PM

    I love Brandon Hurst in this role! Conrad might have the smile of the joker but Brandon had the attitude! Unforgettable performance by all actors in this beautiful film, especially Brandon Hurst as Barkilphedro ♥
