
Sunday, July 13, 2003

Kaaterskill Falls


A Video Review of "Kaaterskill Falls"

Copyright 2003 Glenn Walker

A young couple on their way to vacation in the Catskills are too nice for their own good and picks up a hitchhiker who in turn turns interferes with their relationship. It may sound like the beginning of an urban myth but that's the plot of this independent wonder.

The shaky camerawork will seem like a vertigo-like flashback to The Blair Witch Project and the lack of noticeable background music makes the conversations drag but it's not bad. Despite the constantly moving camera the angles and shots are quite good.

The line of genius is defined here by whether or not the quick cuts and edits are mistakes or on purpose. The darkness scene and the dream sequence are especially well done. When the camera is still there is an air of professionalism perhaps might be better inhaled.

The couple in question played by Mitchell Riggs and Hilary Howard is in trouble. We all know a couple like this. They act like they are so in love but are seldom alone. It seems like they need a third or fourth person in the equation or else they'll go for each other's throats. They're afraid to be alone.

The third, the hitchhiker, Lyle by name, is played with stone-like immunity by Anthony Leslie. We see hints of danger for quite some time before they come to fruition but when they do he's quite good at being bad.

While it stinks of independent film it has pockets of oddball conversation about outsider art, being alone in the woods, cellphone towers and spontaneity that are kind of refreshing compared to other works in this vein.

See it at your own risk, but enjoy it if you do.

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