
Saturday, July 19, 2003

The Fluffer


A Video Review of "The Fluffer"

Copyright 2003 Glenn Walker

The Sundance Channel was having what can only be unfortunately described as a 'gay night' airing several gay themed movies all in a row. It was an interesting selection from the bittersweet Silverlake to the morally devoid L.I.E. After sitting through the dreadful chickenhawk training film L.I.E., The Fluffer was a wonderful surprise.

Michael Cunio plays Sean a man looking for work in the adult entertainment field as a cameraman where he falls for a straight 'gay for pay' adult actor Johnny Rebel played by Scott Gurney. Sean eventually becomes Johnny's 'fluffer' getting him ready for the 'action scenes.' Sean being gay and Johnny straight makes for a heartbreaking dilemma. You feel Sean's pain as he knows he can never have what he wants and the status quo will never change.

The two principal actors are marvelous as are Richard Riehle, Adina Porter and especially Roxanne Day as Johnny's girlfriend, Babylon. I wouldn't mind seeing any of them again. This is an excellent professional cast. Also appearing are 1980s icon Taylor Negron, new wave diva Deborah Harry and of course Ron Jeremy, what recent movie hasn't he been in?

This film has a great sense of humor, good music and lots of inside video industry references for geeks like me unlucky enough to work there. The casualness with which folks in the adult entertainment industry deal with items and themes of that nature is both comical and real. It's just a job.

See this movie. It's like Boogie Nights only with good actors, a story and a sense of humor. I'm fluffed for The Fluffer.

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