
Friday, July 25, 2003


A Video Review of "Miss Congeniality"

Copyright 2002 Glenn Walker

Sandra Bullock is so believable as the clumsy macho tomboy cop in the beginning of this flick it becomes completely unbelievable when she is transformed into a beauty queen to go undercover and find out who wants to sabotage the Miss United States beauty pageant.

We get an amusing performance from William Shatner again essentially playing himself as the pageant host. The more I see him do this the more I like it. Candice Bergen shows us an interesting side above and beyond her "Murphy Brown" persona that has been so indelibly etched in the American psyche we tend to forget she can act.

The best of the bunch by far is Michael Caine who when he does comedy he is so subtle it is mastery. He is the lucky guy who gets stuck transforming Sandra from 'Dirty Harriet' into Miss New Jersey. This "Pygmalion" transformation is worth the rental alone.

This is an always amusing film, worth watching again and again.

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