
Thursday, June 19, 2003


A Film Review of "Finding Nemo"

Copyright 2003 Glenn Walker

This is probably the best Father's Day movie I've seen since Field of Dreams. It is the simple story of a father who has lost his son and risks everything to get him back. It's not perfect but it's probably the best movie I've seen in theatres this year, so far.

Other than this being a Pixar and Disney film I had no desire to see this flick. I'm a big Disney fan and I feel that new Disney animated features are events and are special. Pixar always delivers superior product. They have defined computer animation and do it flawlessly. However I have to say the thought of a movie about about fish just didn't thrill me as much as previous films whose concepts did.

Suffice to say Finding Nemo was a surprise. It's well written, the animation is amazing and it's equally entertaining for both adults and children. Speaking of children there might be some dark bits in the beginning that are a bit too scary or intense for younger kids. It is rated G although I'm sure the rating board just saw it was Disney and stamped it G without watching it. It's no scarier than anything in Bambi or Snow White.

Usually Albert Brooks is infinitely annoying, My First Mister being the only exception I can think of and that's probably because of the brilliant script and the performance of Lee Lee Sobrieski. Here I don't mind him probably because I don't have to look at him while he whines. Ellen DeGeneres, another of my favorites (not), is just as good as Brooks in Finding Nemo. Perhaps they have wonderful futures if they stick to animation. Willem Dafoe is terrific as well and the fish even looks like him.

Stay through the credits to catch Monsters Inc.'s Mike Wazowski making a cameo. And take your dad to this one. It's a great Father's Day flick.

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