
Thursday, May 29, 2003


A Film Review of "The Cell"

Copyright 2001 Glenn Walker

Virtual reality, cyberspace, inside the human mind, the imagination. In a sci-fi movie these are all excuses to get hot chicks in hot outfits. Mix in some hokey plot, a perverse serial killer and Jennifer Lopez, shake well and you have The Cell.

Jennifer Lopez plays a child psychologist who uses VR to enter the minds of her catatonic patients and help them. There’s your set up and the excuse for million dollar (well spent) special effects.

The concept: Vincent D’onoffrio in one of his more disturbing roles is a serial killer who likes to kill his female victims by timed remote control drowning. He goes comatose with a victim still out there, J-Lo has to enter his mind to find the girl. Detective Vince Vaughn comes along for the ride.

There’s your plot, much more difficult to explain than to understand. In the flick it flows much better. The VR scenes are both visually mind-blowing and disturbing. The evil mind of the serial killer contains such bizarre imagery if you aren’t completely under the spell of suspension of disbelief you might start thinking what kind of nutjob would come up with this twisted stuff.

And of course, the best part, a hot chick in hot outfits. Thank you, Jennifer Lopez.

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