
Tuesday, November 05, 2002


A Film Review of "Comedian"

Copyright 2002 Glenn Walker

This is being advertised as a movie about Jerry Seinfeld returning to stand-up. That's only about half the picture.

It's a very confused flick. At times it's an art film, at times a documentary and sometimes a straight performance film. But only half of it is about Jerry Seinfeld's struggle to do comedy clubs again after having one of the most successful sitcoms on television.

Comedian could have been just about that but they decided to switch hit. We also see the rise to the top of Orny Adams (yes, his real name), a surly obsessive compulsive manic depressive young comic who could've quite easily been the star of this flick. Indeed he overshadows Jerry.

Once we return to Jerry we get bored waiting to go back to the manic antics of Orny and his inability to be happy with his success. I see big things for this guy. Either that or at least entertaining stories in the National Enquirer.

Chris Rock, Bill Cosby, Robert Klein and Colin Quinn all have cameos but only Colin Quinn is funny. Wait for the video and keep a look out for Orny Adams.

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