
Monday, June 26, 2006

Quickie Reviews 6-26-2006

"Hollow Man 2"

A movie that didn't need a sequel, like the remake of "The Fly," the first one said it all. How bad must a movie be that it makes Christian Slater unappealing? This is a disaster that should be avoided at all costs.


With nice voice work by Paul Newman and unbelievably Owen Wilson, this one is enjoyable but only adequately. Computer animation has come far enough that it should be the only reason to see such a movie. Yes, we're amazed by the technology - now do something really amazing - tell us a good story.

"Winter Passing"

If you asked me a week ago what I thought of Will Farrell I would have said he was a unfunny piece of crap who ruined "Saturday Night Live" and all the movies he's been in. This flick proves me wrong, he can actually act, and quite well. I applaud his performance here. Ed Harris is as always amazing. Beware the kitten scene.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Even More Quickies

"Tension" (1949)

Great little forgotten B-mystery featuring a young Barry Sullivan and even younger William Conrad (as a detective named Gonzales!). Man creates an alter ego to kill his wife's lover, until the plot thickens and someone else beats him to the punch. Possibly Audrey Totter's best performance.

"Ice Age 2: The Meltdown"

Should have been called 'the letdown.' All of the charm and humor that made the original such a hit is gone. So many great talents simply wasted their time here, a shameful flick.

"X-Men: The Last Stand"

Poor put-upon director Brett Ratner threw all the comics out the window and made a sequel to the two previous films. People live and people die, but it's never who you expect, effectively tossing out forty-plus years of comics continuity. Dark Phoenix is dismissed with a few throwaway lines of dialogue and Joss Whedon's concept on which the film is based is thoroughly raped.

"White Chicks"

You ever pass one of those car accidents where there's a million cops and paramedics and various body parts strewn across the road? You just can't look away, you just can't. That's what this movie is like. I got chills.